Monday, June 18, 2007

The Gallery Of Gorgeous Grandchildren

Reasearch is indicating that there is a genetic link to developing COPD. Only a small percentage of smokers will develop the disease (although the majority of smokers will suffer serious health consequences from smoking)and twenty percent of COPD patients have never smoked at all. COPD also tends to cluster in families, providing researchers with one more clue.

I believe that I have found another genetic tendency in the COPD community. We have produced an outstanding generation of grandchildren! (surely this cannot by biased research on the part of a grandmother with COPD?)

If you would like to review the results of my study for yourself, please visit my homepage and the Gallery of Gorgeous Grandchildren. If you would like to have your grandchildren included in the gallery, please email the pictures to me - you'll find contact information on the page.
And keep checking back -
I hope to keep adding more and more of these pictures, compiling evidence for our Claim to Fame!