Monday, July 9, 2007


Learned something new today (not unusual - I have lots to learn...)
It came in a link in my EFFORTS group email.
There are COPD videos on YouTube.

I have to admit I've only visited YouTube once, and that was a couple of months ago to find a video of a circus. I wanted to show my granddaughter what a circus was because we were taking her to one the next day.
I thought it was an interesting idea - sharing videos - figured there would be lots of videos that I wouldn't really care to see, thank you, and I just never got around to going back and exploring further.

Then this link today -
Living With COPD, done by just a "regular guy" who is doing just that - living with COPD.
On closer inspection I found a few more videos.
I recommend these two in addition to the first one.
Women and COPD
COPD in the Summer