Friday, July 6, 2007

Five For Friday

Five Great Websites by the COPD In-Crowd
(and there are a lot more than Five Great Sites out there, so check back for next Friday's Five!)

Olivija's Place -
Olivija's site is maintained by her husband as a memorial to her and a gift to all of us. One of the first sites I found after my diagnosis, Olivija's remains one of my favorite places to hang out. It's true of all of us, but especially her - There's a Whole Lot More to Olivija than COPD.

Breathless With COPD
This is a site I just discovered created by John Kirtley in the UK
He’s put a lot of work in here and there is a great deal of material to explore. Very impressive!

Brian Webster's It Takes Your Breath Away - A Thirty Years Survivor StoryBrian talks about his excellent book (and his reasons for writing it), also providing links and additional info of his own.

Wilbur’s Harmonica page-Fun and great exercise for your lungs!

The Old Stone House a series of stories (and photographs)
by COPD-Support member Tish telling of her life in the wonderful Old Stone House